23 February 2021 (2 pm AEST)

Join the National Fruit Fly Council for a webinar on the national biocontrol program to manage pest fruit flies in Australia. The project is funded by the Strengthening Australia’s Fruit Fly System Research Program and is being led by Agriculture Victoria Research. The webinar will include an overview of the program and the progress to date.


Date: Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Time: 2:00 pm – 3.30 pm (AEST) / 3:00pm – 4:30pm (AEDT)


2:00 pm Welcome and overview of session Rod Turner, General Manager Partnerships, Plant Health Australia
2:05 pm Overview of the Research Program for Strengthening Australia’s Fruit Fly System
Matthew Calverley, Assistant Director, Biosecurity Plant Division, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
2:10 pm The National Fruit Fly Biocontrol Research Program: aims, scope and project update by the team
Paul Cunningham (Agriculture Victoria), Tony Clarke (Queensland University of Technology), Lucy McLay (Agriculture Victoria), Blair Grossman (Agriculture Victoria), Markus Riegler (Western Sydney University), Sitaram Aryal (Western Sydney University), Aimee McKinnon (Agriculture Victoria) and Madita Lauer (Agriculture Victoria)
3:20 pm  Additional questions and comments All

How to participate

This webinar is being held as a Zoom meeting. You can either join the meeting online or dial in.

Join online

Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81010722901?pwd=SFRjcG9uMEwreHdGWDgzcHJPZERsUT09
Meeting ID: 810 1072 2901
Password: 452747

Dial in

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kRBRxWLpe
Meeting ID: 810 1072 2901
Password: 452747