Recording of Think Tank webinar #2: Area Wide Management now available
The video recording of the NFFC’s Think Tank webinar #2 on Area Wide Management is now available and features presentations by Dr Hazel Parry from CSIRO and Dr Heleen Kruger from ABARES.
AWM is a holistic approach for applying integrated pest control efforts across a well-defined geographic area, covering multiple land uses, including urban and rural land. AWM is a particularly useful tool to address mobile pests and can be used to reduce pest pressure at the landscape level.
Naturally such an approach has challenges and requires buy-in from the organisation and multiple stakeholders, including urban residents, farmers and other landowners or managers. As a result, addressing the human element is essential to successful AWM programs.
As we move towards a more chemically limited future, coordinated pest management efforts will become increasingly vital to ensure the success of existing and emerging tools for pest management.