Webinar: Research to strengthen Australia’s fruit fly system
29 July 2020
Join the National Fruit Fly Council for a webinar on the Research Program for Strengthening Australia’s Fruit Fly System. The program is jointly funded by Australia’s federal, state and territory governments and is one of the activities supported by the Smart Fruit Fly Management measure. The webinar will include an overview of the measure and presentations on the three projects currently funded by the research program.
Date: Monday, 17 August 2020
Time: 2:00 pm – 3.30 pm (AEST)
2:00 pm | Welcome and overview of session (5 minutes) | Christina Cook, Manager, National Fruit Fly Council |
2:05 pm | Overview of the Smart Fruit Fly Management measure and the Research Program for Strengthening Australia’s Fruit Fly System (10 minutes) | Matthew Calverley, Assistant Director, Biosecurity Plant Division, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment |
2:15 pm | Phenology demography and distribution of Australia’s fruit flies (10 minute presentation + 10 minute Q&A) | Peter Leach, Market Access Focus Team Leader and Senior Principal Entomologist, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) |
2:35 pm | A national biocontrol program to manage pest fruit flies in Australia (10 minute presentation + 10 minute Q&A) | Paul Cunningham, Research Leader, Invertebrate & Weed Sciences, Agriculture Victoria Research |
2:55 pm | Efficacy data to support methyl bromide disinfestation treatments against fruit flies (10 minute presentation + 10 minute Q&A) | Pauline Wyatt, Principal Research Scientist (Market Access), Horticulture and Forestry Science, QDAF |
3:15 pm | Additional questions and comments (15 minutes) | All |
How to participate
This webinar is being held as a Zoom meeting. You can either join the meeting online or dial in.
Join online
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82223074338?pwd=NVlMd0J4YURxRjk0cVhWMGFYVktTZz09
Meeting ID: 822 2307 4338
Password: 293134
Dial in
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kyBdz7PZF
Meeting ID: 822 2307 4338
Password: 293134