Advice for travellers
Travelling within Australia
To help protect valuable fruit and vegetable growing regions, certain states have restrictions on what fruit, vegetables, plants and plant products can be brought in when travelling.
These restrictions are publicised via signs, amnesty bins, announcements and other public awareness material.
Fines and penalties apply for failing to comply with interstate quarantine requirements.
Find out more about travelling interstate and which states have restrictions by visiting the Australian Interstate Quarantine website.
Below is a video from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry about Australia’s fruit fly pest free areas.
Travelling with fruit from overseas
Whether you’re returning home or travelling to Australia for the first time, it’s important to make sure you’re not unknowingly bringing fruit flies with you.
Fresh fruit, vegetables and plants could potentially carry fruit flies and other pests that would have a major impact on our agricultural industries and natural environment.
The easiest solution is not to carry any fresh fruits, vegetables, live plants, or seeds when you travel to Australia. However, just as important is to declare if you are carrying any of these items.
This can be done on the incoming passenger card handed to you during your flight. Incoming passenger cards are also available at airports after you’ve landed, before passing through passport control.
Severe penalties are in place for making a false declaration or failing to declare goods that might pose a biosecurity risk.
You will not be penalised for declaring goods, even if they are not allowed into Australia.
Learn more about travelling to Australia by visiting the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website.