• Message from the Manager image

Welcome to our March edition!

Working around fruit fly affected produce means vigilance on the fruit fly front is ever present, whether it be baiting, trapping, scouting, fruit or tree removal, or preparing for spring when the first flush of flies hit.

The National Fruit Fly Council’s (NFFC) focus this year is on preventing the spread of fruit fly, implementing national systems that support market access, and facilitating a cooperative and committed national approach to fruit fly management.

In our previous edition we shared a number of exciting activities coming up this year including webinars, regional visits, R&D forums, and network events, as well as other engagement opportunities around fruit fly management across Australia. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our first webinar due to unforeseen circumstances but we are confident that it will be rescheduled later this year.

Our current National Fruit Fly Strategy (NFFS) covers the period 2020-25. Planning is well underway for the development of the new iteration NFFS 2026-35. It will involve extensive engagement with stakeholders across all aspects of the national fruit fly system, from industries to regions, to supply chain partners, and government. It is envisaged to run in parallel to our ‘Think Tank’ process and linked to our ‘deep-dive’ sessions on strategically important issues. The strategy will also be informed by our proposed updated national fruit fly system economic analysis. It is anticipated that a draft NFFS 2026-35 will be prepared in time for our next National Fruit Fly Symposium, which is planned to be held in Brisbane in July 2025.  The Council will share further details in coming months.

As many of you would be aware, we have recently undertaken an open Expression of Interest (EOI) process for industry representation on the NFFC. Thank you to all who have put themselves forward for these key roles. We expect to announce our new representatives in April.

We look forward to touching base with you by one means or another in the near future.

Stuart Burgess
Manager, National Fruit Fly Council