Expression of Interest – NFFC Member
The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is seeking expressions of interest to join the Council.
The NFFC brings together government, growers, and research funders to oversee the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy and to drive delivery of a cost-effective and sustainable approach to managing fruit flies across Australia.
The Council provides leadership and advice on strategic policy and RD&E issues about fruit fly to a range of stakeholders including the National Biosecurity Committee, Plant Health Committee, government, Hort Innovation, industry, the research community, and the public.
The Council is convened through Plant Health Australia, the national coordinator of the government-industry partnership for plant biosecurity in Australia. The combined experience of members of the Council ensures that the group understands and considers different crop types and fruit fly management systems from across Australia’s horticulture production regions, as well as research capacity, and market access issues.
Applications will be assessed on merit, by taking skills, experience, capacity, and understanding of the strategic approach for the objectives of the National Fruit Fly Council, into consideration.
Applications are due by close of business on Thursday, 29 February 2024.
More information and to apply.